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Cooperatives and consumer research 

Journal of Consumer Policy volume 7, pages323–341(1984)

The article asks the question why consumer researchers sometimes try to “invent” an organization to represent the consumer interest when there already is an existing organization with the required characteristics: consumer cooperatives.


The cooperative human 

Nature Human Behaviour volume 2, pages427–428(2018)

Cooperation lies at the heart of human lives and society — from day-to-day interactions to some of our greatest endeavours. Understanding cooperation — what motivates it, how it develops.


The Cooperative Advantage for Community Development (Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity, issue 4.1, eBook)

Book · November 2015 with 4,678 Reads

Empirical evidence has shown that cooperatives are diverse organizations that efficaciously address a plurality of socio-economic needs. Cooperative organizations are effective in provisioning for myriad life needs, and do so in more democratic and sustainable ways than investor-owned firms.


Arthur Capper Cooperative Center 

lumes 1-14  (1986-1999). 

A complete file of back issues of the Journal of Cooperatives is not available in electronic format.  The University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives is currently providing electronic access to abstracts from Volumes 1-14  (1986-1999).  Those issues can be accessed at:



The role of cooperatives in sustaining the livelihoods of rural communities: The case of rural cooperatives in Shurugwi District, Zimbabwe

Published online 2017 Apr 24. doi: 10.4102/jamba.v9i1.341

The main focus of the research was to analyse the role of cooperatives in sustaining the livelihoods of local rural communities in Shurugwi District in Zimbabwe. Descriptive survey design was used in this mixed method approach to the study. 


Cooperatives and Community Development: A Perspective on the Use of Cooperatives in Development

Pages 48-61 | Published online: 04 Mar 2011

Community developers have long understood the importance of local participation in the events and processes that shape communities. Effective, democratic, and people-and-place-centered development strategies have the potential to achieve such participation. 


Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management

Editor-in-Chief: I. Jussila

JCOM will provide the primary forum for advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge on co-operative organizations and their management. The journal wil


Recent Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management Articles

June 2020

Recently published articles from Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management.


Cooperative scholarly articles

Google Scholar

Research on classroom cooperative learning techniques, in which students work in small
groups and receive rewards or recognition based on their group performance, has been
increasing in the past few years. 


What makes a successful (and famous) entrepreneur? Historical evidence from Italy (XIX-XX centuries)

Industrial and Corporate Change, Volume 27, Issue 3, June 2018, Pages 425–447,

In this article, we employ a “quantitative” prosopographical approach to study the nature and the determinants of entrepreneurial success in Italy during the XIX-XX centuries.


To be or not to be an entrepreneur...

Author links open overlay panelMarcela RodicaLucaAna-MariaCazanDenisaTomulescu

The research presented in this paper aims to explore the differences, at the level of entrepreneurial traits, between 215 participants in entrepreneurship education modules and a paired sample of 215 non-participants, the enrolment in this modules being considered as an explicit entrepreneurial behaviour. 


Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2020 9:8

Understanding of intrapreneurship as a phenomenon is somewhat fragmented and inconsistent especially in the case of engineers or engineering firms. This paper seeks to assess the relevant intellectual territor...

Authors:Muhammad Zubair Alam, Nadia Nasir and Ch. Abdul Rehman


Social entrepreneurship: the need, relevance, facets and constraints

Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research volume 8, Article number: 9 (2018)

Social entrepreneurship is gradually becoming a crucial element in the worldwide discussion on volunteerism and civic commitment. It interleaves the passion of a common cause with industrial ethics and is notable and different from the present other types of entrepreneurship models due to its quest for mission associated influence.


Library subject guides Entrepreneurship

Finding information on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs.

Checking for peer reviewed Journals. UlrichWeb is a database  of print and online journals and is useful for identifying journals  to check if they are peer reviewed (look for the black referee symbol beside the journal title.) 


International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship

First Published May 19, 2018 Research Article

Entrepreneurship research has predominately focused on firm-level conceptions of success and the personal factors that help predict them but has stopped short of investigating what it means to entrepreneurs.


Cooperatives and Community Development: A Perspective on the Use of Cooperatives in Development

Pages 48-61 | Published online: 04 Mar 2011

Community developers have long understood the importance of local participation in the events and processes that shape communities. Effective, democratic, and people-and-place-centered development strategies have the potential to achieve such participation.


Entrepreneurship scholarly articles

google scholar

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) research programme was initiated to explore
and assess the role of entrepreneurship in national economic growth. South Africa joined
the GEM project in 2001, and has participated in all subsequent studies. Entrepreneurial  …


What Entrepreneurship Research Can Do for Business and Policy Practice

Article (PDF Available) · January 2002 with 1,020 Reads

This article discusses the problem of making practical use of research on entrepreneurship. The introduction deals with the general problem of different goals and knowledge interests on the part of researchers and practitioners, and how the differences can be bridged.


Entrepreneurship research

google scholar

His research has been published in over 100 scholarly articles in leading academic journals.
His books include Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth (Oxford University Press, 2006)
and The Entrepreneurial Society (Oxford University Press, 2007)


The emerging research on indigenous management in Asia

Asia Pacific Journal of Management volume 33, pages583–594(2016)

It is our great pleasure to introduce the Special Issue of the Asia Pacific Journal Management with the focus on the theme of indigenous management research in Asia. This introduction is organized into three parts, with the first part covering the background and review process of the Special Issue;


Key success factors and indigenous management practices in SMEs inemerging economies

Journal of World Business 43 (2008) 381–384

In the international management (IM) literature, much research has focusedonmanagerial policies andpracticesin the industrialized countries and the operations of multi-national corporations (MNCs)


Indigenous Management Research

By Holtbrugge, Dirk

While the last years have witnessed a tremendous economic boom in many emerging markets around the world, the knowledge of management practices in these countries lags behind their growing relevance in the world economy. One reason for this is that concepts, such as guanxi. jugaad, ubuntu, and blat, are not adequately reflected by traditional Western management theories.


Integrative Indigenous Management in India: Practices and Prospects

Vol. 35, No. 4 (Apr., 2000), pp. 439-460

Jai B. P. Sinha

Indian Journal of Industrial Relations

Vol. 35, No. 4 (Apr., 2000), pp. 439-460


Indigenous Brazilian Management Practices 

Purpose: The present research seeks to understand to what extent companies in emerging countries, specifically, Brazilian, adopt dominant management practices, the so-called Euro-American practices, possess their one, or show a syncretism between the two. Methods: Mixed research. One phase was to collect data using a survey about cultural dimensions adopted from GLOBE (House 1998)


To be or not to be an entrepreneur...

The research presented in this paper aims to explore the differences, at the level of entrepreneurial traits, between 215 participants in entrepreneurship education modules and a paired sample of 215 non-participants, the enrolment in this modules being considered as an explicit entrepreneurial behaviour. 


Indigenous Knowledge Management Practices in Indigenous Organizations in South Africa and Tanzania

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0838-0.ch010

Traditional communities have a highly developed knowledge system. They struggle, however, to lobby for critical issues as this knowledge is not documented. The chapter addresses this problem by seeking a suitable knowledge creation model for South African and Tanzanian indigenous organizations. It draws on fieldwork and reviews the literature and organizational websites.


Entrepreneurship scholarly articles

google scholar

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) research programme was initiated to explore
and assess the role of entrepreneurship in national economic growth. South Africa joined
the GEM project in 2001, and has participated in all subsequent studies. Entrepreneurial  …

© 2020 by Tomas & Sylvina Masagca (TSM) Center for Entrepreneurship, Cooperativism, Indigenous Management Practices Operations 

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